Layout component of Ant Design Pro

There has always been a problem in Pro. We handed the entire project to the user. Although the user's DIY ability has been improved, the user can modify any function and fully control the project. But it also allows users to understand a lot of details. And it is not possible to quickly upgrade the version.

In particular, Pro's core Layout, as the most used piece of Pro, we have seen almost every version of the business support. 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, almost every version has users, but can not follow the official upgrade, only after the error has occurred, the official community to help.

We offer a solution in V4. Make a Layout into a component that allows any scaffolding to use Layout's capabilities, as well as smooth upgrades to keep up with the community. The code repository is here pro-layout.

ProLayout provides a rich api configuration that decouples umi's dependencies, allowing even fast access to older projects.


It is also easy to use

npm i @ant-design/pro-layout --save
// or
yarn add @ant-design/pro-layout

In jsx:

import BasicLayout from '@ant-design/pro-layout';
render(<BasicLayout />, document.getElementById('root'));

Start the project and you can get


Advanced usage

Layout has a lot of requirements that need to be customized, so we expose a series of methods and hope to find a balance between flexibility and simplicity. A series of Api Layouts have preset values and can run normally without special configuration.

Custom Menu

Layout uses menu props to generate menus, if you are using umi in prop or with this parameter. You can use it like this:

const Layout = (props: BasicLayoutProps) => {
return <BasicLayout title="Ant Design Pro" {...props} />;

If you use other scaffolding, you can manually pass the routing configuration, the data structure is as follows:

// can be imported { RouterTypes } from '@ant-design/pro-layout/typings' to get this type
Export interface Route {
   Path?: string;
   Routes: Array<{
     Exact?: boolean;
     Icon?: string;
     Name?: string;
     Path: string;
     //Optional secondary menu
     Children?: Route['routes'];
Const route: Route = {
   Routes: [
     { path: '/', name: 'welcome', icon: 'smile' },
     { path: '/home', name: 'home', icon: 'home' },
Const Layout = (props: BasicLayoutProps) => {
   Return <BasicLayout title="Ant Design Pro" {...props} route={route} />;

In addition, we also provide menuDataRender and menuItemRender props,

menuDataRender performs a new filter on the menu data, and the menu permissions in Pro are implemented in this way.

Export interface MenuDataItem {
  Authority?: string[] | string;
  Children?: MenuDataItem[];
  hideChildrenInMenu?: boolean;
  hideInMenu?: boolean;
  Icon?: string;
  Locale?: string;
  Name?: string;
  Path: string;
Const menuDataRender = (menuList: MenuDataItem[]): MenuDataItem[] => {
  Return => {
    Const localItem = { ...item, children: item.children ? menuDataRender(item.children) : [] };
    Return Authorized.check(item.authority, localItem, null) as MenuDataItem;
Const Layout = (props: BasicLayoutProps) => {
  Return <BasicLayout title="Ant Design Pro" menuDataRender={menuDataRender} />;

menuItemRender controls the specific menu dom rendering, you can customize the click event of the menuItem and so on.

Export interface MenuDataItem {
  Authority?: string[] | string;
  Children?: MenuDataItem[];
  hideChildrenInMenu?: boolean;
  hideInMenu?: boolean;
  Icon?: string;
  Locale?: string;
  Name?: string;
  Path: string;
Const Layout = (props: BasicLayoutProps) => {
  Return (
      Title="Ant Design Pro"
      menuItemRender={(menuItemProps, defaultDom) => {
        Return <Link to={menuItemProps.path}>{defaultDom}</Link>;


SettingDrawer provides an interface to dynamically set some parameters of the Layout. The effect can be previewed in preview. The way to use it is also easy.

Import BasicLayout, { SettingDrawer } from '@ant-design/pro-layout';
Import React, { useState } from 'react';
Const Layout = (props: BasicLayoutProps) => {
  Const [settings, setSettings] = useState({});
  Return (
        Title="Ant Design Pro"
        menuItemRender={(menuItemProps, defaultDom) => {
          Return <Link to={menuItemProps.path}>{defaultDom}</Link>;
      <SettingDrawer settings={settings} onSettingChange={setSettings} />


PageContainer provides a wrapper around antd's pageHeader that provides automatic configuration of breadcrumbs and title.

import { PageContainer } from '@ant-design/pro-layout';
Const Page = () => <PageContainer>this is a page</PageContainer>;


RouteContext can provide built-in data for Layout. For example, isMobile and collapsed, you can consume this data to customize some behavior.

Import { RouteContext } from '@ant-design/pro-layout';
Const Page = () => (
    {value => {
      Return value.title;