In addition to less custom themes, we also provide the CSS Variable version to support the ability to dynamically switch themes. This function has been built in the new version of the layout.
The dynamic theme based on CSS Variable has many advantages. It has better performance and can be dynamically updated, but it is not compatible with ie11. If you want to support ie, you cannot use this feature.
html {--ant-primary-color: #1890ff;--ant-primary-color-hover: #40a9ff;--ant-primary-color-active: #096dd9;--ant-primary-color-outline: rgba(24, 144, 255, 0.2);--ant-primary-1: #e6f7ff;--ant-primary-2: #bae7ff;--ant-primary-3: #91d5ff;--ant-primary-4: #69c0ff;--ant-primary-5: #40a9ff;--ant-primary-6: #1890ff;--ant-primary-7: #096dd9;--ant-primary-color-deprecated-pure: ;--ant-primary-color-deprecated-l-35: #cbe6ff;--ant-primary-color-deprecated-l-20: #7ec1ff;--ant-primary-color-deprecated-t-20: #46a6ff;--ant-primary-color-deprecated-t-50: #8cc8ff;--ant-primary-color-deprecated-f-12: rgba(24, 144, 255, 0.12);--ant-primary-color-active-deprecated-f-30: rgba(230, 247, 255, 0.3);--ant-primary-color-active-deprecated-d-02: #dcf4ff;--ant-success-color: #52c41a;--ant-success-color-hover: #73d13d;--ant-success-color-active: #389e0d;--ant-success-color-outline: rgba(82, 196, 26, 0.2);--ant-success-color-deprecated-bg: #f6ffed;--ant-success-color-deprecated-border: #b7eb8f;--ant-error-color: #ff4d4f;--ant-error-color-hover: #ff7875;--ant-error-color-active: #d9363e;--ant-error-color-outline: rgba(255, 77, 79, 0.2);--ant-error-color-deprecated-bg: #fff2f0;--ant-error-color-deprecated-border: #ffccc7;--ant-warning-color: #faad14;--ant-warning-color-hover: #ffc53d;--ant-warning-color-active: #d48806;--ant-warning-color-outline: rgba(250, 173, 20, 0.2);--ant-warning-color-deprecated-bg: #fffbe6;--ant-warning-color-deprecated-border: #ffe58f;--ant-info-color: #1890ff;--ant-info-color-deprecated-bg: #e6f7ff;--ant-info-color-deprecated-border: #91d5ff;}
If you are using the umd package, you need to modify the css reference.
- import'antd/dist/antd.min.css';++ import'antd/dist/antd.variable.min.css';
Then you can use static methods to configure the theme:
import { ConfigProvider } from 'antd';ConfigProvider.config({theme: {primaryColor: '#25b864',},});
If you use the less method, first you set @root-entry-name: default;
at the entry. The entry file of less may be difficult to find, you can configure it in the theme configuration of config/config.ts
theme: {'root-entry-name':'variable',}
If you manually imported antd's less, it is recommended to use the following replacement
- @import'~antd/es/style/themes/default.less';++ @import (reference)'~antd/es/style/themes/index';
Then you can use static methods to configure the theme:
import { ConfigProvider } from 'antd';ConfigProvider.config({theme: {primaryColor: '#25b864',},});
After v5.2.0, Pro has built-in SettingDrawer. After opening, you can directly see the small gear on the right. After opening, some dynamic theme functions are added.
This component can also control the state of the layout through the control of initialValues
SettingDrawer is actually built-in in src/app.tsx
, if you want to delete it, you can delete it in app.tsx
childrenRender: (children, props) => {// if (initialState?.loading) return <PageLoading />;return (<>{children}{!props.location?.pathname?.includes('/login') && (<SettingDrawerenableDarkThemesettings={initialState?.settings}onSettingChange={(settings) => {setInitialState((preInitialState) => ({...preInitialState,settings,}));}}/>)}</>);},
CSS Variable does not support IE11. In order to support IE11, we have to turn off the default dynamic theme.
First, we have to turn off the theme configuration, you can find it in the theme field of config/config.ts
theme: {'root-entry-name':'variable',}
Delete it, or set it to 'root-entry-name':'default'
, then you need to delete the SettingDrawer in src/app.tsx
, so that you can play "happily" under ie11.
Pro’s dynamic black theme is based on darkreader, you can configure enableDarkTheme={false}
to turn it off.