Upgrade to V5

Pro V5 can be used gradually, as long as you upgrade to umi @ 3 to use these features. Although the new data stream is easy and efficient, it does not meet all scenarios. We can mix and adapt and slowly migrate. Of course, we hope that we can relocate as early as possible to reduce historical debt.


initialState replaces the original built-in model in v5, and global, login, and setting are all incorporated into initialState. We need to delete src/models/global.ts,src/models/login.ts, src/models/setting.ts, and put the requested user information and login intercept intosrc/app.tsx in.

We can understand initialState as a default model, which can inject data that is not frequently modified in the project.

import { history } from 'umi';
import { Settings as ProSettings } from '@ ant-design/pro-layout';
import { queryCurrent } from '@/services/user';
import defaultSettings from '../config/defaultSettings';
export async function getInitialState(): Promise<{
currentUser?: API.CurrentUser;
settings?: ProSettings;
}> {
// If it is a login page, do not execute
if (history.location.pathname !== '/user/login') {
try {
const currentUser = await queryCurrent();
return {
settings: defaultSettings,
} catch (error) {
return {
settings: defaultSettings,


In the new architecture, Layout is used as a plug-in. As an alternative, we provide a configuration item in app.ts to support runtime configuration. We need to migrate the custom footer and menu to the app In .ts`, in return we can configure any original props.

import React from 'react';
import {history} from 'umi';
import {BasicLayoutProps, Settings as ProSettings} from '@ant-design/pro-layout';
import RightContent from '@/components/RightContent';
import Footer from '@/components/Footer';
export const layout = ({
}: {
  initialState: {settings ?: ProSettings};
}): BasicLayoutProps => {
  return {
    rightContentRender: () => <RightContent />,
    disableContentMargin: false,
    footerRender: () => <Footer />,
    menuHeaderRender: false,
    ... initialState? .settings,

In V4 we put the layout configuration in the model, in V5 we put it in the initialState, and very important user information was also initialized ininitialState. In the default configuration, the layout attribute becomes'side' | 'top' | 'mix'. Here we need to pay attention to it. The default is mix.

export async function getInitialState(): Promise<{
currentUser?: API.CurrentUser;
settings?: ProSettings;
}> {
// If it is a login page, do not execute
if (history.location.pathname !== '/user/login') {
try {
const currentUser = await queryCurrent();
return {
settings: defaultSettings,
} catch (error) {
return {
settings: defaultSettings,

Here is the configuration of Footer can be modified to your needs.

import React from 'react';
import { GithubOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { DefaultFooter } from '@ant-design/pro-layout';
export default () => (
copyright="2019 by Ant Financial Experience Technology Department"
key: 'Ant Design Pro',
title: 'Ant Design Pro',
href: 'https://pro.ant.design',
blankTarget: true,
key: 'github',
title: <GithubOutlined />,
href: 'https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design-pro',
blankTarget: true,
key: 'Ant Design',
title: 'Ant Design',
href: 'https://ant.design',
blankTarget: true,


Our permission modification also depends on it. For the original permission, we can completely delete it, and add the corresponding permission identifier in src / access.ts. Taking pro as an example, we only usedcanAdmin.

// src / access.ts
export default function (initialState: { currentUser?: API.CurrentUser | undefined }) {
const { currentUser } = initialState || {};
return {
canAdmin: currentUser && currentUser.access === 'admin',

After the migration, we can delete the original permission component. src/utils/Authorized.ts,src/utils/authority.ts, src/components/Authorized/**.

In the router of config.ts we need to delete authority and change it toaccess: 'canAdmin' and at the same time we can use all the methods about permissions in util.

For the runtime code, we provide two APIs to help us customize any form of UI and logic. Here is a demo that you can understand at a glance.

import React from 'react';
import {useAccess, Access} from 'umi';
const PageA = (props) => {
  const {foo} = props;
  const access = useAccess (); // member of access: canAdmin
  if (access.canReadFoo) {
    // If Foo can be read, then ...
  return (
      <Access accessible = {access.canAdmin} fallback = {<div> Can not read foo content. </div>}>
        Foo content.
      <Access accessible = {access.canDeleteFoo (foo)} fallback = {<div> Can not delete foo. </div>}>
        Delete foo.


In the original project, request is defined in src/utils/request.ts. In V5, you need to use umi to import. Each configuration needs to be written in app.ts for implementation.

import { RequestConfig } from 'umi';
export const request: RequestConfig = {
timeout: 1000,
errorConfig: {},
middlewares: [],
requestInterceptors: [],
responseInterceptors: [],

V5 also comes with useRequest hooks, many pages do not need data sharing, we can use useRequest to quickly network requests, and built loading and run to indicate the status and re-request data, the use is extremely easy.

import { useRequest } from 'umi';
export default () => {
const { data, error, loading } = useRequest(() => {
return services.getUserList('/api/test');
if (loading) {
return <div> loading ... </div>;
if (error) {
return <div> {error.message} </div>;
return <div> {data.name} </div>;


Since all the logic has been detached, many dependencies are no longer needed, and we can delete some of them to increase the speed of dependency installation.


Now the layout plugin is always wrapped in the outermost layer. If we want to not use layout in a certain route, we can configure layout = false in the menu to hide it. For detailed configuration, please see here.

For SettingDrawer, in order to facilitate integration and deployment, we developed umi-plugin-setting-drawer, as long as the plug-in is installed in the project and can be used quickly.